Eaton is dedicated to improving people’s lives with product solutions that are more reliable, efficient, and safe – and that includes your life as the installer. By focusing on ease-of-use, advanced installation features, and reduced complexity all while prioritizing safety, it’s Eaton’s goal to help you get off the job site faster without an ounce of compromise.
Whether it’s competing with friends or showing your kids how its done, an easier day on the job site means you won’t have to send the dreaded “I don’t think I can make it tonight” text.
Van Meter is proud to carry a wide range of Eaton’s easy-to-install solutions, helping to ensure that you’re home in time to do more of what you love.
Eaton Home In Time
Get off the job faster with Eaton
Eaton Surge Protection Products
With plug-on neutral devices that install just like a circuit breaker and externally-mountable devices that are compatible with any manufacturer’s breaker box, Eaton’s family of surge protection devices install easily to help protect appliances, TVs, and smart homes of every size.
Eaton Ruff-IN prefabricated electrical solutions
Ruff-IN standard assemblies are built from a combination of several innovative product families that can handle tough applications. These standard assemblies help reduce material management costs and eliminate assembly for all your work.
Eaton B-Line Conduit trapeze support
The versatile z-shaped design of the B-Line series conduit trapeze support installs up to 50% quicker than traditional strut trapeze, and the conduit holes automatically align conduits. This solution eliminates the need for conduit clamps at every support location, resulting in a part reduction of up to 75%.
Eaton Cutler Hammer Pow-R-Express solutions
From unassembled panelboards to safety switches – let us help you get it done today. Stop into your local branch and let our experts help simplify your day with in-stock light commercial solutions from Eaton.
News & Expertise
Gain efficiency & safety on the job with Van Meter & Eaton
Hello, you’ve reached the project coordination team. Managing orders and keeping your projects on schedule is more difficult than ever with today’s supply chain situation, and the last thing you need is more to worry about. That’s why we’re here to help you get the panelboards, circuit breakers, transformers and other materials you need to keep your project moving.
Having trouble getting panelboards and switchboards within your project deadlines? You’re not alone. Raw material shortages and workforce challenges have thrown our whole global supply chain out of whack, especially for gear solutions like panelboards and switchboards. With lead times sometimes stretching over a year, how do you plan to keep project timelines on track? Learn how utilizing Eaton satellite plants and services can help you get more projects done and meet your deadlines.
Prefabricated solutions simplify the installation process, save valuable manual labor, remove guesswork, and put you a few steps ahead when you head to the jobsite.
Everything you need to succeed
Let our experts help you simplify your next project.