Five Tips To Know Before Interning At Van Meter (And Why You Should)

  • November 10, 2022
  • News


Nobody wants to fetch cups of coffee all summer, right? You want to find something that will help you when it is time to find a full-time job, but how do you know which internship will give you the experience, relationships and real-life challenges you need to advance your career? To help you out, we asked our 2022 summer interns. What do you need to know before interning at Van Meter? Why should you consider it? Check out what they said below:


Who you know, is often just as important (if not more important) than what you know. This was a lesson CJ Currie, an automation intern from the University of Iowa, learned as he built relationships across the organization. “Being comfortable with meeting new people and networking is something I hope to carry into my future career,” he said.

Building relationships early in the internship was important for Thomas Eckstein, an automation intern from Iowa State University. “Creating connections with fellow employee-owners early opened the door for more possibilities later in the summer. The summer goes by fast, so the faster you get to know people, the more time you get to work with them and learn more about what they do,” he said.

How do you start building relationships? Olivia Richards, a sales intern from Cornell College, said, “Don’t be afraid to jump right in and talk to people or ask them how their day is going. Everyone at Van Meter is super friendly and will love to talk to you.”


What is the best way to improve yourself? Try new things! Internships at Van Meter provide opportunities to try new things and develop yourself personally and professionally. “Don’t be afraid to reach out and make the experience your own. Even if it seems like something you don’t want to do at first, give it a shot. You will definitely be surprised,” said Currie.

You can also learn about other areas of the business. Sarah Cunningham, a sales support intern from Loras College, said, “It’s important to take initiative if there are certain things you want to learn or experience. Don’t be afraid to shadow another role if it interests you. They love having interns!”


Even though internships are temporary, you can make a lasting impact at Van Meter. You are included in daily business, and your input matters. Eckstein said his favorite experience was sitting in on meetings with Van Meter specialists, so he could get a first-hand look at how Van Meter works with customers to create lasting value.

In addition to observing, Eckstein said he was able to provide value for Van Meter by bringing in new ideas throughout the summer. “Whether it was intern projects or day-to-day work, I was always able to add my own input in the work I was doing,” he said.


You might think you know what you want in a job and a workplace, but are there other factors you have not considered? That was the case for Cunningham. “Having an engaged, supportive and fun work environment contributes to the relationships between fellow employee-owners,” she said. “Van Meter’s workplace culture made a huge difference in my experience and what I will consider in a job in the future.”

Eckstein said he learned that pay and location are not the only things to consider in a job. “Sometimes the culture within the company is the most important thing because a company’s culture reflects on the day-to-day business of that company,” he said.


Van Meter’s summer internships are not all work—you will have fun there too. Our Cedar Rapids interns helped Van Meter win the Corridor Corporate Games cup by competing with other companies in activities like dodgeball, kickball and mud volleyball. Cunningham had “a blast” spending that time with other employee-owners. The interns also participated in an escape room and volunteered in the community among other activities.

Even going into the office everyday can be a fun experience. Currie said he enjoyed the little things the most. “Getting greeted by a smile and a ‘good morning’ every day, among a lot of other things, is why I enjoyed coming to work every day.”

Van Meter is currently seeking 2023 interns. If you are ready to jump-start your career, reach out to [email protected] with questions.